
Cybertopia Erotic AI Art Books

Created by Vigilante Comix

On behalf of Vigilante Comix, Robbie Mack is proud to present the next irresistible installment in his CYBERTOPIA ILLUSTRATED series! This amazing campaign is a sumptuous feast for the senses, offering digital and print editions of lavishly illustrated Art books, featuring the SEXIEST women in the Cyberverse! Offering a wide selection of genres, you'll find beautiful female models illustrated in a variety of styles, from soft air-brushed Anime to vibrant fautography.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Download links Distributed & Print Run Ongoing!
11 months ago – Sat, Nov 04, 2023 at 05:21:08 PM

Hi Everyone,

I just sent out the download-link emails to everyone that pledged for digital rewards, so check your inbox for an email from Backerkit. I also sent all the files for the physical rewards to the printer last week and the print run will be complete within the next couple of weeks. So, we're on track to have all the packages shipped out by the end of the month!


Robbie MacK 

Backerkit Orders Locked and Payments Processed
12 months ago – Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 11:15:17 AM

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that all orders have  been locked on Backerkit and payments have been processed. I've sent the final quantities to the printer for a quote and I'll be finalizing the print files next week, so we're on track to ship packages by early November.

In the meantime, here's a sneak peek at one of the covers for my next comic project on Kickstarter!

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

Robbie MacK

Backerkit Surveys Have Been Sent!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 03:43:16 PM

Hi Everyone,

I sent out the Backerkit surveys today, so keep an eye out for the email. If you haven't received a survey email by tonight, check your junk folder. 

I've loaded up the Add-on store with a ton of goodies, including some Backerkit exclusives! I tried to keep the additional shipping charges reasonable, but feel free to ask for a shipping fee re-assessment if you added a bunch of items and the shipping charge seems too high. 

If your method of payment failed when the Kickstarter campaign closed, you can pay your balance when you finish your survey. If you aren't able to pay by credit card, I can potentially accept PayPal payment as well.

Let me know if you have any questions and/or have any special requests.


Robbie MacK

NUDE Vol 2 Released in Add-on Store!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 06:02:50 PM

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that the Backerkit surveys will be sent out in a couple weeks. As an added bonus, NUDE Volume 2 will be available for purchase, featuring 3 gorgeous variant covers!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!


Robbie MacK

Backerkit surveys and Add-on store coming soon!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 22, 2023 at 09:54:57 AM

Hi everyone,

Thanks for supporting this campaign.  Your generous pledges help support the creative efforts of the AI artists who contributed to this art book project. Based on the success of this campaign,  I've already decided to launch another campaign for Cybertopia Illustrated Volume 3!

I'm already working on the Backerkit add-on store, which will offer all the same add-ons in the campaign, as well as a few extras! Anyone who had trouble with their credit cards during the Kickstarter billing cycle will have another chance to pay for their pledge rewards once the add-on store is up and running.  I'm aiming to send the surveys out within a few weeks, and I'll keep you posted with regular updates.


Robbie MacK